In April (2023) we recently welcomed our 7th child to the family, a little girl. I realized when cleaning up some notes that I’ve never shared the pregnancy tea I’ve used during my last four pregnancies. You can drink it as a tea or as an infusion, and it’s great for upping your nutritional intake during pregnancy.

Many people call this NORA tea or red raspberry tea. I like to add a few extras to make it taste better.
The base of the tea is red raspberry leaves. These are supposed to be great for uterine health. I know that they’re a top notch herb for pregnant rabbits, so it makes sense they’re good for people too. Nettles are high in iron, oatstraw is a magnesium source, and alfalfa provides calcium.
I like to add dandelion leaves as they are high in vitamins A, C, and K. Because dandelion leaves can be a bit bitter, I also mix and match other ingredients for flavor. Good choices include spearmint, lemon balm, and rose hips.
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I make this recipe in ratios, because when I purchase my leaves I like to buy just once by the pound. But you can use cups, ounces, or whatever measurement you prefer. Here are my ratios:
2 parts red raspberry leaves
2 parts nettle
1 part oatstraw
1 part alfalfa
1/2 part dandelion leaf
1/2 part spearmint, lemon balm, and/or rose hips
To make this into an infusion, add 1/4 cup to one quart of hot water and let it steep for eight hours. If you are making tea, you only need to steep about ten minutes, but infusions get more of the nutrients into the water.
Because this is a loose leaf tea, you will need a strainer of some sort before you drink the tea. I purchased a nice little tea kettle on Amazon that I really like. You can boil the water directly on the stove top, and then the strainer is built right into the lid.
It holds a little less than a quart of water, and I add a quarter cup of the mixed herbs into it to steep.
You can dry all of these herbs yourself, but they’re also available to purchase online. I got my latest batch from Mountain Rose Herbs.
Herbs are a great way to up your nutritional intake in all times of life, and this one specifically adds nutrients that you need during pregnancy.
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