Bindweed is an invasive, aggressive weed that is actually attractive and useful. Since you have to remove it anyway, you might as well get some use out of it! Here are some ways bindweed isn’t a complete and total nuisance.
Uses for Bindweed

Bindweed is considered a nitrogen fixer, which means it can replenish fertility in otherwise degraded soils. This is actually part of the reason why it is so invasive. It’s moving into damaged and disturbed lands as a pioneer species. Give it a few hundred years for the trees to move in after it and it will improve the neighborhood!
Click here to read more about nitrogen fixers.
The vine is very strong and you can dry it and use it as twine. Just make sure it’s really dead if your uses put it anywhere near the ground where it can get established.
The flowers are very beautiful. If your kids are like mine and want to pick flowers, send them out to gather these and put them in little cups and bowls as decorations. (But make sure to toss those flowers in the garbage and NOT the compost!)
In some parts of the world the leaves and rhizomes are eaten, however modern science has identified some alkaloids that probably aren’t great for ingesting. Some people batter and deep fry the flowers.
Horses shouldn’t eat it, but goats and sheep will happily munch it up. It also has some traditional medicinal uses, such as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
How To Get Rid Of Bindweed
Once you get as much use as you can out of the plant it’s time to eradicate it’s little invasive beasty-self. If you want a non-chemical method, rip out as much as possible, till the ground and plant pumpkins in that spot. They won’t be bothered by volunteers popping back up from missed rhizomes, and they will cast some shade to discourage super vigorous growth.
You’ll need to keep re-weeding or it will just move right back in though. If it’s particularly stubborn, you may need to use an herbicide. K-State has a chart with dosing instructions here.
Happy weeding!
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