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How To Make Dairy Free Peppermint Hot Chocolate

When we had The Snowpocalypse of 2021 here in San Antonio, my family found ourselves in below freezing weather with no power and no heat. This definitely called for a hot drink, but my husband can’t have milk. Here’s how we made a tasty dairy free peppermint hot chocolate!

Six inches of snow on the ground and a week of freezing temperatures in San Antonio, Texas is nuts! Thankfully, keeping warm without heat is a skill I’ve practiced before. Our chickens also fared quite well, and we really lucked out, managing to avoid the burst water pipes that many around us experienced. But it’s always fun to have a treat in stressful situations!

Here's how to make a rich and creamy dairy free peppermint hot chocolate!  It only takes 4 ingredients and a few minutes to prepare.

Dairy Free Peppermint Hot Chocolate Recipe

Sometimes I’m astounded at all the things that contain milk that I wouldn’t expect (like fried chicken). And then I’m equally astounded when I manage to make something dairy free that I never would have expected to be able to.

Hot chocolate is definitely something I would not expect to have a decent dairy free version of. I mean, you could probably hack something with almond milk and hersheys syrup, but it sounds kind of watery and meh.

This recipe calls for coconut milk, which is much richer and creamier. Because we use chocolate chips instead of cocoa powder it really becomes a drinkable dessert!


2 cups coconut milk
1 cup water
1 1/2 cups dairy free chocolate chips
peppermint oil to taste


  • Combine water and coconut milk in a saucepan.
  • Add chocolate chips and heat slowly, stirring constantly.
  • Once the chocolate is melted add peppermint oil a few drops at a time until it as minty as you like.
  • Enjoy!

We use the Kirkland brand chocolate chips from Costco as they do not contain any milk, and are much cheaper than the fancy diary free kinds you can get elsewhere. Those things fill so many chocolate cravings at our house! They also work great in peanut butter fudge.

And the canned coconut milk from Costco is also a good price, although a little more expensive than their almond milk. All in all, this is not the cheapest hot chocolate on the planet, but it’s good nonetheless. If you are not into super chocolately flavor you can definitely reduce the amount of chocolate chips or add more water. I added more water to my nine year old’s, as she wanted to participate, but is not a huge chocolate fan.

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