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7 Ways Goats Are Like Cats

I’ve always considered myself a cat person.  Dogs are okay, but they are way too clingy and energetic, and I don’t like being “their” person.  Plus the begging is annoying and you can’t just push them off the kitchen table like the cat because they are bigger.  And they’re on the floor, not the table.  So I was curious when I got goats if they were more like having dogs or cats.  Turns out, goats ARE like cats.

Are goats the new cat? They are if you are the crazy goat lady of the neighborhood! Here are some ways goats are like cats.

I like being AROUND the cat, and usually cats like to be AROUND me.  At one point we had three cats and I think my husband thought I was on the crazy cat lady route.  We only have one right now and while I’m enjoying the break from the morning “feed me” meows, it does feel a little strange.   I find that I love goats too, and for all the same reasons I love cats.  They’re loyal, but not obsessive, funny, but not clowns, aloof with an air of mystery, yet clingy all at the same time.

Raise Goats In The City!

Imagine pouring yourself a cold glass of milk, that you raised yourself! You can raise goats even if you don't live in the country. Find out how in the free email crash course on raising goats in the city.

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Are goats really all that different from cats?  Here are 7 ways goats are like cats

  • If they can reach it, they will sit on it
  • If the water isn’t clear, they aren’t drinking it
  • Do you have treats?  No?  Leave me alone.
  • If there’s a fence, they will jump over it
  • They are particular about the people they favor
  • If the food isn’t fresh, they aren’t eating it
  • They are curious to their own detriment (curiosity killed the…goat?)

Goats are their own kind of special, but for all you cat people out there wondering if goats are right for you, (because I’m sure there are soooooo many cat people out there wondering if goats are right for them…) know that you understand them.

Kind of.  Sometimes.

Is there such a thing as a crazy goat lady?  How about a crazy cat goat lady?  I think that might be me.  I think the neighbors think that’s me!

How about you?  Dogs, cats, goats, something else?  What’s your favorite animal?

Goats are like cats

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Monday 13th of March 2017

Thanks for this informative post. There is a surprising lack of literature comparing goats and cats in my searches. Last night i found myself enjoying a lovely goat stew in Jamaica and my Vietnamese wife could have sworn we were eating cat. Can you confirm the similarity of their tastes?


Tuesday 14th of March 2017

Sorry, I'm American and eating cat is very taboo here. I've never tried it.


Saturday 2nd of July 2016

I love this. I love cats and all their particular ways. I can't wait to get some goats. I know I am going to love their personalities!

Kathryn @ Farming My Backyard

Saturday 2nd of July 2016

:). Goats are good at being peculiar too.


Sunday 28th of February 2016

That's interesting to know because, I am more of a cat person, and I have been thinking I maybe want a goat (or two, because I understand they need a pal?). I don't know much about goats and am afraid of messing up.

Kathryn @ Farming My Backyard

Monday 29th of February 2016

Yup, they get lonely without another goat friend. I really love Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats for a good understanding of what you need to know before getting goats.


Tuesday 9th of February 2016

Yes! I have always said that! Goats are so much like cats it's scary

Kathryn @ Farming My Backyard

Tuesday 9th of February 2016

Perfect for cat ladies like me :)

Janet Fuller

Tuesday 9th of February 2016

I have 2 bucks and 8 does (we had 4 born last year)La Mancha and Dwarf Pygmy Nigerians and they are just as you say. When people say goats eat anything....NO THEY DON'T they are so choosy, and yes if there is a piece of hay in the water they will not drink from that buck, so I have 5 buckets in different places that I have to change twice a day to make sure they are hydrated. One little one was fine with me from when she was born but all of a sudden she decided the I'm a big scary monster and runs away from me if I go anywhere near her. They all have different personalities, they are hysterical really and fun.

Kathryn @ Farming My Backyard

Tuesday 9th of February 2016

It's not just my finicky girls then :D

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