It’s not a pretty situation, but sometimes life isn’t pretty. What should you do when you have no money? What will help you? What will get you out of this pickle? Here are some tips on surviving and thriving no matter how much cash is in your pocket.
Now, people say “I have no money” and it can mean very different things to different people. Some people say they have no money and mean that they have no extra cash after paying all the bills and groceries.

For other people it means they’re squeezing blood from a turnip, but they manage to put food on the table and keep the lights on.
Then there’s the level of having no money that means bad things are happening and you can’t stop them. This looks like utility shut offs, evictions, and not being able to provide basic necessities of life.
Here’s What To Do When You Have No Money
When things are really bad, it’s time to prioritize. It’s survival time. You need food, shelter, and a way out!
Eat Cheap Food To Stay Alive
First off, you must have food to eat. Do you have any food items in your house right now? How long will they last you? You can survive for a long time on simple foods, even if all you have is a few basic pantry staples. Your meals don’t have to look pretty or taste amazing. They just need to keep you alive while you deal with this crisis.
If you have nothing, check local buy nothing groups for people giving food away or visit a local food bank. If you can manage to obtain basics such as oatmeal, rice, beans, or flour, you will be okay.
Housing Comes First
Second, you must have shelter. If you have a rent payment or a mortgage, this is the first place to send any money you as soon as you get it. Call utility companies and try to arrange payment plans if possible, but even if you are camping out in your house with no heat, you still have some shelter and stability. Related Post: How To Keep Warm and Happy In Winter With No Heat.
If you must move, make the plans necessary, but don’t do anything to compromise your current living situation until you have a fail proof plan.
Keep Moving Forward
And third, you must keep earning money, even if it’s not enough. If you have a job, DO NOT LOSE IT. Show up on time. Every time. Work your hardest. Finish projects quickly and well and ask your boss for more. Over deliver as much as possible.
If you do not currently have a job, figure out what you CAN do to bring in some immediate cash. Can you baby sit? Check out craigslist gigs for day jobs. Sign up at a temp agency. Let everyone you know you’re looking for work. Any work.
List and sell as much of your stuff as possible. You certainly won’t need it if you get evicted. My husband and I made an entire mortgage payment by selling our refrigerator. There was a learning curve on living without a fridge, but we managed. Related Posts: What To Do When You Have No Refrigerator and 14 Foods To Stop Refrigerating When You Have Limited Space and What To Do With Leftovers When You Have No Fridge
Now cut down everywhere else possible. Stop driving your car. Start walking or taking the bus. Use less water, less electricity, less air conditioning and heat. Mend your clothes and mend them again. Use a google voice number instead of a cell phone. Find out all the places where your money goes and slash them down as much as you possibly can. It won’t be easy and it won’t be comfortable, but it will get you out of your current situation.
Don’t Borrow From Tomorrow
If you can’t afford something today, you will NEVER be able to afford it in the future. Especially with interest. Avoid payday loans like the devil. Don’t use credit cards or bank loans. You can’t afford the interest payments if you can’t manage to pay cash for something now.
If at all possible, minimize bank fees such as overdraft fees or bounced checks. Don’t write checks you can’t cover. Know what your balance is and what transactions still need to clear your account. Holding your breath and hoping your card goes through is only going to make things worse.
Find Enjoyment in Simple Living
Having no money is stressful and it can really negatively impact your quality of life. As much as you can, stay hopeful and positive and find joy in the simple things around you.
Clean and rearrange your home. Buying new stuff won’t make you happy, but taking pride in caring for the things you already own will. Even hot water and an old t-shirt can do a good job cleaning up.
Take time to educate yourself. Utilize the library for free interest and books as much as possible. Teach yourself how to cook satisfying and tasty meals with basic ingredients.
Enjoy the company of those around you. Visit with your family. Play games with friends. Take a walk outdoors. If the weather won’t cooperate, even take a few minutes to dance around your home. You don’t need much space and the exercise is good for your soul.
It may feel like a disaster when you have no money, but you can get through this, and you can set yourself up for a more successful future.

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