When you want to cut down on your water bill and conserve water, the more streamlined and easy you can make it for yourself, the better you will do. Here are some water saving taps that are super easy to install yourself.
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3 Water Saving Taps You Need To Be Using
Most of our water use happens in the bathroom. If you have an old toilet, you may be flushing a great deal of water down the drain. If possible, replace it with a newer model. However, that is not a job that most of us can do ourselves.
Low Flow Shower Head
The second biggest water hog in the bathroom is the bathtub and shower. You can make a big difference in how much water you use simply by installing a low flow shower head.
Replacing a shower head is an easy skill to learn. You just unscrew the old one, counter-clockwise. Next wrap a small amount of Teflon tape around the threads and press it down. Next, screw on the new shower head as tight as you can. Turn it on and make sure it is not leaking. If it is leaking, you may need to wrap a cloth around it and use a wrench to tighten more.
That’s seriously it!
Sink Aerator
Another water saving tap is a sink aerator. These can be placed on all sinks, whether they are in the bathroom or in the kitchen.
There is more variation in sink faucet sizes than in shower heads, so make sure to measure before purchasing your aerator, just to make sure it will work for your model.
Aside from that, the process to install an aerator is the same principle as a shower head. In many cases all you have to do is simply screw the aerator right into the end of your faucet.
If you do need to pull a previous aerator off, simply unscrew it with your hand. If it does not unscrew, use a towel to protect your faucet from scratches and use a wrench.
Garden Hose Nozzle
The next super duper easy change you can make is to add a spray nozzle onto the end of your garden hose. This literally just screws onto the end. It should take you just seconds to attach.
The nice thing about having a spray nozzle is that your hose will not waste water as you move it around. You can direct the spray in precisely the right spot, and nowhere else.
Not only does this save water, but it is also good for your plants. Plants should be watered from the roots, so you have more precision and are less likely to wet the leaves and cause a fungal issue.
These three simple water saving taps are super easy to install and are effortless ways to conserve water!
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