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Super Easy Sourdough Bread

Making homemade bread isn’t hard at all. You can even keep your own sourdough starter to give it more of a sourdough flavor. Here’s how to make super easy sourdough bread!

Making homemade bread isn't hard at all.  You can even use sourdough starter for flavor.  Here's how to make super easy sourdough bread!

To make a basic regular bread, mix 6 cups of flour and three cups of water. Add 1 tablespoon of yeast and a tablespoon of salt. Mix in a stand mixer with a dough hook until it forms a smooth ball. You can also knead by hand, but then it’s not quite so easy.

Because of the high yeast content, you don’t need to have a long rise time. I split this into two greased bread pans. My bread usually rises to the top of the bread pans by the time my oven preheats. Bake it at 350 degrees for one hour.

Let your bread cool before cutting it, otherwise it can get gummy.

This recipe is super forgiving. You can even toss it in an airtight container in the fridge and bake it another day. You can form braided loaves, circle loaves, or any other shaped dough too.

Super Easy Sourdough Bread

You can also replace most of the yeast with sourdough starter. Combine 1 1/2 cups of sourdough starter, 2 1/4 cups of water, and 5 1/4 cups of flour. Add in a teaspoon of yeast and the tablespoon of salt. Mix it well, and let it rise for at least 6 hours. If your house is cool you may even want to go as long as 12 hours to rise.

This recipe has a nice sourdough flavor, but it’s a lot more foolproof than other sourdough recipes I’ve tried. Given that I usually mess something up every time I cook, that’s helpful for me.

I generally follow King Arthur Flour’s instructions on making my own sourdough starter. I prefer their smaller batch instructions for maintaining. It’s nice to not have to throw a lot away regularly. And if you want to make a sourdough that uses no yeast at all, they have good directions as well.

Once you get the hang of making bread, it can be super easy to make your own. It only takes a few ingredients and a little prep time. And it’s so good!

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