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Make “Peter” Rabbit Pot Pie For a Homegrown Dinner

I have to admit, I was a little nervous the first time we sat down to eat one our backyard meat rabbits.  Our family had never eaten rabbit before, and I didn’t even know if I would like it.  I was especially nervous about how the kids would feel about the whole experience.  Even before we decided for sure to get meat rabbits I had been talking about it with the kids, and they SAID they were okay with it, but I just wasn’t sure.

We like to read Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter, and in the story it talks about how Peter’s father was put into a pie by Mrs. McGregor.  I decided this would be the best first meal for our family to try rabbit meat, just like in the story.  Yes, I know most kids probably try the blackberries and cream like Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottentail, but around here, it’s the rabbit pie.

Rabbit pot pie is an easy and yummy recipe to introduce your family to eating rabbit meat. If you want to take preschool literature unit studies to a whole other level, or are just looking for another way to cook rabbit, here's a great rabbit pot pie recipe!

The Peter Rabbit Pot Pie turned out to be a good introduction to rabbit meat.  I’m terrible at pie crusts, so that part was a flop.  If you ask my 6 year old she’ll tell you rabbit pie isn’t very good because the crust is too thick.  Other than that it was pretty good.  Next time I’ll buy the crust.  Or maybe I should just practice some more and make lots of pie.  Actually, I didn’t even own a pie pan when I first made this.  Luckily you can cook anything in cast iron!  (They’re easy to wash too…)


If you want to take preschool literature unit studies to a whole other level, or are just looking for another way to cook rabbit, here’s the recipe!

“Peter” Rabbit Pot Pie Recipe


  • 2 pie crusts
  • 1 precooked rabbit (I baked at 300 for an hour)
  • 2 cups of stock (Here’s how to make it!)
  • 2 1/2 tbs butter
  • 3 1/2 tbs flour
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 potatoes
  • salt/pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 375º.
  2. Melt the butter and whisk in the flour. (This is similar to the method for making creamy rabbit gravy)
  3. Stir over moderate heat until the butter and flour foam together for a couple minutes.
  4. Whisk in the stock a little bit at a time.
  5. Simmer for 2-3 minutes until thick. Remove from heat.
  6. Add the meat and vegetables to the sauce, stir it up and put it in the bottom crust.
  7. Seal the top and put some vent slits in the top.
  8. Bake at 375º (put the pie pan on a cookie sheet in case it bubbles over) for about 30-45 minutes. The crust should be golden-brown and the filling should be bubbly.

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Marie | Just Plain Living

Saturday 10th of March 2018

When I was a teenager, I did a lot of babysitting, as teenagers do. (Did? I mean, this was thirty years ago ). One family didn't have a lot of books but I found a book to read the children about all the animals having a picnic.

The squirrels brought acorns.

The bears brought honey.

The rabbits brought ... and the kids blurted out "Rabbit stew!" Clearly, their dad was a hunter.

Thirty years later, and that's what I think about whenever I hear about or eat rabbit stew. Those rabbits trying to decide what they should bring to the picnic and deciding that maybe Grandma wasn't pulling her weight anymore and needed to go.

Carrots. The rabbits brought carrots.


Tuesday 13th of March 2018

Well, carrots go into rabbit stew, sooooo. Tee hee. Love it. Thanks for sharing :)


Friday 29th of July 2016

I remember my first taste of rabbit. My great-aunt served what I thought was fried chicken. I told her it was the best fried chicken I'd ever tasted and that was when she told me it was fried rabbit. I still love fried rabbit.

Kathryn @ Farming My Backyard

Saturday 30th of July 2016

It sure is delicious. We had some sloppy hoppies the other day that were amazing.

Anne @ Money Propeller

Monday 11th of August 2014

I hate making pastry too, but my spouse loves the stuff. Another good use of rabbit is mushroom rabbit stew


Monday 11th of August 2014

Oh that sounds good too!


Saturday 2nd of August 2014

Oh, that does sound yummy! I'll have to check out how to make a pie crust that way. :)

Lindsey @HalfDimeHomestead

Tuesday 22nd of July 2014

Yes. The first time is always...odd. We were pleasantly surprised the first time we dined on brer rabbit. I think we did a sear/slow bake in a dutch oven approach with root veggies and a sauce. It was really good. I suck at crusts, too. We should develop a support group. I now make them like Ina Garten told me to. In the food processor, following her ingredients and directions perfectly. It turns out good every time, but my nerves are shot by the end!

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