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Lemon Pie Is Super Easy To Make

I had no idea how easy lemon pie was to make. It’s super yummy, super easy, and it’s lemon, so what’s not to like?

I had no idea how easy lemon pie was to make.  It's super yummy, super easy, and it's lemon, so what's not to like?

You will need the following ingredients:
1 unbaked pie shell
3 eggs
1 stick of butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
5 tablespoons lemon juice (or two lemons worth)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Next, cream together the butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time and mix well. Add the lemon juice and pour the mixture into the pie shell. Bake for about 35 minutes until it is lightly browned and barely wiggles in the center.

It’s so easy! And it looks super fancy too, so it’s perfect to take to things when you want to look like you’re a decent cook without having to spend a bunch of time actually cooking.

Growing your own food is awesome

The nice thing about dishes that use lemon is that they don’t need a ton of it. So if all you can grow is a potted lemon tree on your porch, well, that’s okay, you can still use that to make yourself dessert! Between the eggs and the lemons, this whole dish could be half made with homegrown ingredients.

Lemon trees are not super difficult to grow. And if you’re in a cold area, you can still grow them partially indoors or with cover if needed. If you want more details check out the post Lemon Tree Care Is Super Simple For You.

And of course if you’ve been reading here for very long at all, you’ll know that chickens are not difficult to get started with, and you can very quickly start getting your own homegrown eggs from your hens. You can check out all of the articles on raising chickens by clicking here!

And if you’re looking for more things to cook with easy to grow ingredients, click here to check out more homegrown recipes!

Have fun cooking!

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