It’s a good idea to save water, especially if your goal is to live off a well or rainwater. One important way to save water is to teach members of your household some basic changes they are able to make. Here are some simple ways to save water for kids.

How To Save Water For Kids
Brushing Teeth
When you teach your kids how to brush their teeth, make sure to teach them how to turn the water off while they brush. If you are brushing your teeth for a full one to two minutes you can be using as much as 2.5 to 5 gallons of water!
One great way to help your kids remember this is to do a simple experiment. Use a timer to time your kids while they are brushing their teeth. Next, set the timer for that same amount of time and let the water run into a container until the timer goes off. Now have your kids measure how much water they would have used.
You can do the experiment again and just run the sink for the amount of time they use to wet their toothbrush and rinse, in order to show how much less water they will be using!
My kids can take some epic showers, so it’s up to me to teach them how to be efficient with their bathroom time and cut the amount of water they use down.
When kids are very small, you don’t need to fill up the tub all the way for their baths. Give them plenty of cups for dumping, bubbles, or even bathtub crayons, bath bombs, or ice cubes to play with. They won’t even need an entire bathtub full of water in order to have a good time. You can also bathe young siblings who are close in age together in order to minimize the amount of water needed per person.
Older kids can often just lose track of time in the shower and not realize how long they’ve been in there. Help them remember to get hair washing and other cleanliness tasks done first, before they start daydreaming. Putting a waterproof watch in the shower can also help them keep track of how much time has passed.
Little kids think flushing the toilet is grand fun, but it can use a lot of water. Try your best not to let kiddos flush just for fun. You may even have to keep your bathroom door shut, however this is better for your plumbing in general.
Most experienced parents can attest to the time and expense of having to remove toys and other random items that have been flushed by a speedy toddler.
Outside Play
Summer is a great time for water play outside, but there are a few ways you can keep the water expense down. Running a hose all by itself can use a lot water, so try hooking it up to a sprinkler and watering your garden while letting the kids run through and splash.
If you don’t need to water your plants, using a wading pool will use less water than a sprinkler will. And if you really want to keep the water use down, let your kids splash around with squirt guns. Younger kids can be very happy with a shallow pan and some measuring cups and spoons.
And of course, any time your kids are playing with water, make sure to keep your eyes on them at all times.
Teaching your kids how to save water doesn’t have to be boring or suck all the joy out of childhood! In fact, they may even have fun doing it.

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