Knowing your goat’s weight can be very important when raising goats. There may be times when you need to dose them with medications or dewormers and you don’t want to guess. Luckily, there are ways to calculate their weight!
Is Your Goat Overweight or Underweight?

For many things a simple visual assessment of your goat’s weight will be enough. Just by looking at your goat you should be able to tell if it’s overweight, underweight, or just right. If you have an overweight goat, chances are you are feeding it too much grain. Let it browse more or eat more hay. Sometimes dairy goats can be underweight, especially when they produce a lot of milk. You may need to add more grain to help them keep up with their production.
To roughly tell if your goat is underweight or overweight, run your hand down their spine. If you feel bones and no flesh, they are too thin. If you cannot feel the individual vertebrae, your goat is too rotund. Don’t judge based on the size of their belly, as that can fluctuate with their digestive system.
What Is Your Goat’s Weight in Pounds?
Don’t estimate your goat’s weight when it comes to medications and dewormers. That can be rather dangerous. If your goat is small enough to be picked up, you can simply weight yourself plus the goat, then weigh yourself alone. If you keep goats as a business, you may want to invest in a veterinary scale.
However, you can calculate your goat’s weight based on a couple of measurements. First take their heart girth. Wrap your measuring tape around your goat just behind the shoulder blades and the front legs. Next measure their length by making a diagonal line with your tape measure from the edge of their shoulder to the bone by the tail. You can visit this site for an illustration.
Multiply the heart girth by itself and the length then divide by 300 to find your goat’s weight in pounds. If you are a mathematical type person the formula would look like this: (A x A x B)/300=C
Heart Girth=A
Weight in Pounds=C
For example, if your goat’s heart girth is 20 inches, and their length is 30 inches.
You can also use the heart girth measurement to look up your goat’s weight on a chart without having to calculate it yourself. You can find charts for pygmy bucks and does here and here.
With careful measuring and a simple calculation you can easily estimate your goat’s weight for administering medications and dewormers!
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C. W.
Saturday 29th of July 2023
Just clarifying to make sure my brain isn't confused.
"Multiply the heart girth by itself and the length then divide by 300 to find your goat’s weight in pounds. If you are a mathematical type person the formula would look like this: (2A x B)/300=C"
Do you add the heart girth measurement to itself, or multiply it by itself? The math formula implies you add it to itself (which would be the same as 2x itself). Multiplying by itself would be A x A or A squared. I am not a math person at all, so I might be confused, but these two would result in dramatically different outcomes. (e. g., A = 4; 2 x 4 = 8; vs. A times itself, 4 x 4 is 16).
I found this: heart girth (inches) X heart girth (inches) X shoulder to pin distance (inches) divided by 300, which answers my question. :)
Thursday 3rd of August 2023
Whoops, I did put that in wrong. I'm glad you were able to get it clarified, and I will update the article.