Herbs are a useful addition to your garden and rabbitry. Herbs make a great bonus to your rabbit’s diet, and they can often have health benefits as well. Here are 4 ways you can use herbs for rabbits!
Feed Herbs For Rabbits Fresh
Rabbits will most likely eat fresh herbs quite happily. A rabbit’s diet should be mainly based on hay. They need that fiber to keep their intestines working or they can become bloated and blocked. This can be fatal for a rabbit. Hay doesn’t provide everything a rabbit needs however, so they will need some additional foods such as rolled oats and a mineral block or pellets.
In addition to access to those foods, rabbits enjoy fresh greens as well. Be careful not to feed to many at once as any sudden changes can throw off a rabbits gastrointestinal system. Fresh green herbs are a great supplemental food for your rabbits. They have many vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutritious aspects.
In addition to fresh vegetables most rabbits also appreciate the occasional treat of fruit. Herbs or fruits that are too sugary or high in carbs should only be fed occasionally and in small amounts, however.
Feed Herbs Dried
There are a couple of other ways you could administer herbs for rabbits if needed as well. One option to put dried herbs in a bowl and let the rabbit eat them directly. Some rabbit keepers will sprinkle dried herbs on top of the rabbit’s hay or pellets, however, that could potentially be messy. If the rabbit does not want the herbs it may simply not eat. On the other hand, if it goes digging through its food searching for the coveted treat you may end up with a lot of wasted food as well.
If you provide dried herbs in a bowl as an option, the rabbit can listen to its own internal needs to decide how much to eat. Animals can sometimes be surprisingly good at treating themselves!
Give Your Rabbits An Herbal Tea
Did you know you can make tea for your bunnies? Well, you can. If you are treating a specific issue with herbs and you want to make sure your rabbits take it, one way to do that is to brew the herbs in water and then fill their water bottles with it. Of course if you choose this route make sure the herbs you are using are totally safe for rabbits, as they will have to take them in order to drink enough water.
Feed Herbs for Rabbits By Syringe
If you are in dire straits and your rabbits really need the herbs you are trying to give them, you also have the option of dosing them with a syringe. Of course when syringe feeding any animal it is possible for them to accidentally inhale the fluid, so be careful and go slow.
If you syringe feed your rabbits herbs, try to get the water in as concentrated a dose as you can to make it easier on both you and the rabbit.
Herbs are a great resource and food to add to your rabbit’s diet! Don’t be scared to let your rabbits have a chance to eat them once in a while.
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